There is a wide community for people with all sorts of diabetes on the web and in certain countries in IRL groups.
Here in Kenya, I have mainly seen people turn to Diabetes Groups on Facebook and Instagram.
These groups can be very helpful. However, they can also bring you down on difficult days.
There’s a fine line between support and reading up on sad stories about other patients.
My suggestion is to find a page that supports you in an uplifting way. A problem-solving way. Everyone needs to vent now and then, and that is OK. But one must also move on and find help and set goals and work on those to see the positive side of life. How to integrate your diabetes into your daily life, family life, and partner’s life.
Under Free Resources there is a list of fabulous FB pages, websites and IG accounts among other downloads.
You can follow Diabetes Lifestyle Coaching itself as well.
Follow us on Facebook: Diabetes Lifestyle Coaching Kenya @diabetichfj
And on Instagram: @diabetes_coaching_kenya